Moving hay and straw from GB
Following the end of the EU-UK transition period on 31 December 2020 the rules permitting the movement of straw and hay from GB to NI changed.
What do I need to now do to move hay and straw from GB to NI?
Before moving hay or straw from GB to NI the person responsible for the consignment must:
- Be registered on TRACES NT (the EU’s Trade Control and Expert System).
- Pre-notify DAERA of the arrival of the consignment by creating a Common Health Entry Document for Products of Animal Origin (CHED P) on TRACES NT at least 24 hours before entering NI.
- When completing the CHED P, input CN code 1214 90 for hay and CN code 1213 00 00 for straw: and
- Familiarise themselves with the conditions attached to the general import license for hay and straw in particular noting that the premises of origin must be free from any OIE list of diseases and must not be situated in an area subject to restriction due to these diseases and that any product landed in NI under this licence shall be made available for inspection if so required by an officer of the Department. You can view the full license conditions here.
We have provided a range of guidance and support tools to help you get started on TRACES NT including details about the system and guides on creating CHEDs. The guidance can be accessed here and you can also find information on the Ports of Entry here.
Have the rules changed regarding moving hay and straw from NI to GB?
No the rules have not changed, you should contact AHPA imports via for the most current rules.
Have the rules changed for moving hay and straw from NI to other EU countries or from the EU to NI?
No, the rules have not changed. You should contact the Member State of import for the most current rules or your local DAERA Direct office for guidance on exporting.