Animal Inventory Returns
2024 Annual Inventory for Sheep and Goats
The Sheep & Goats (Records, Identification and Movements) Order (Northern Ireland) 2009
The Annual Sheep and Goat inventories are now due for completion.
The completion of an inventory is required by law. You are required to provide details of sheep and goats on your holding between 1st and 5th December 2024 and submit an inventory return to DAERA by 31st December 2024 using one of the options below.
There are 2 online options available for submitting your Inventory return to DAERA:
Option 1
If you are registered to use NOL (previously APHIS online), you should login and submit your inventory using this service.
Please note, Aphis Online is no longer available on the DAERA Online Services portal. All users should now use the new NOL system. To access NOL, users should go to the web address below and sign in either through Government Gateway or NIDA service.
Option 2
You can use the relevant “Snapsurvey” link below
If you are registered with DAERA as a keeper of sheep or goats, you should have received a letter containing a unique code. To use the “snapsurvey” links below, you will need this code along with your flock number to complete your Inventory. (If you are completing your inventory using APHIS Online (AOL), the unique code will not be required).
To complete your Sheep Inventory using the Sheep “Snapsurvey”, enter your flock number and the unique code from your letter at
To complete your Goat Inventory using the Goat “Snapsurvey”, enter your herd number and the unique code from your letter at
If you keep both sheep and goats, you must make a separate return for each species.
You must also record the details of the inventory in your on-farm Flock / Herd Register. Failure to do so may result in a financial penalty being applied to your direct agricultural support payment if your flock or herd is selected for a Cross-Compliance or Sheep / Goats’ Identification Inspection. You should also be aware that if you fail to submit your Annual Inventory, this will increase the possibility of your flock or herd being selected for an Identification Inspection.
If you have any difficulty submitting your return online or wish to get assistance please call your local DAERA Direct Office at 0300 200 7840 or email
Further Contacts
Once your Inventory returns are completed we will validate the information and may follow up with a call to confirm some details.