Brackagh Nature Reserve
Nature reserves are chosen from among the very best examples of our wildlife, habitats and geology. They contain a wide range of species, communities and geology and their designation is a public recognition by Government of their importance.
The Brackagh Moss Nature Reserve is situated just off the A27, 2 miles South East of Portadown.
Sights and sounds
As this was originally a raised bog, over 300 years of turf cutting, have left this area a maze of pools, drainage channels and peat ramparts. Most of the reddish acid bog peat was removed which left an older, black, base-rich fen peat underneath. This variety in soils has resulted in an extremely varied range of flora available at this site.
Dense alder and willow Carr woodlands open on to luxuriant species-rich fens and shallow pools, while in a few areas acidic bog mosses survive, bedecked with insect-eating sundew plants. In summer, pond edges and glades are loaded with the frenetic buzz of a myriad of insects.
The rare marsh fritillary and delicate green hairstreak butterflies vie with 17 other species for a place in the sun. This reserve is also home to a wide range of dragonfly species, which include the rare Irish damselfly and is known as one of the best in Northern Ireland.
During winter it tends to rain regularly and overwhelm large tracts of the reserve for a number of weeks on end. The flocks of duck that are often seen near the floods are looking out for their wandering birds of prey.
There are two lay-bys for visitors along the Brackagh Moss road with an information panel and a path system north of the road. Most visitors travel to Brackagh Moss by car as there is no public transport and park at the lay-by of the main entrance. Occasionally people walk from the nearby town of Portadown.
The vast majority of people visiting the site are usually nature lovers or walkers as there is a natural beauty of the bog and the fresh air.
There are a number of interpretation panels, one at the Limavady Borough Council car park, one at the NIEA car park, one at the bridge where the Altnaheglish and Glenedra streams meet and another further up the Glen.
Due to hazardous conditions, visitors must seek permission to visit the reserve south of the road from the Site manager.
Further information
Contact the Site manager. Tel: 02838399195