Reilly and Gole Woods Nature Reserve
Nature reserves are chosen from among the very best examples of our wildlife, habitats and geology. They contain a wide range of species, communities and geology and their designation is a public recognition by Government of their importance.
This nature reserve is located on the western shores of Upper Lough Erne and is situated off the main road between the A509 at Teemore and the B127 Derrylin to Lisnakea Road.
Sights and sounds
As the name suggests, this particular site is full of old trees which were planted some 150 years ago under the management of Crom Estate.
The trees prevent light reaching the woodland floor, where bilberry, wood sorrel and young trees tend to thrive upon. At the south of this reserve a thick band of rhododendron was originally planted here as shelter for game.
Badgers are often spotted here during dusk. Kestrels are often found spotted hovering high above the woodlands, while sparrow hawks tend to weave through the trees below. If visitors are lucky they may be able to spot the purple hairstreak butterfly which is often spotted and perched on the tops of oak leaves during the months of July and August.
The Crom Estate is now managed by the National Trust and is on the opposite side of the Lough from Reilly and Gole. It has a car park, picnic table and a nature trail. Reilly has a small car park if you follow the farm lane skirting the wood.
Reilly Wood has a small car park - follow the farm lane skirting the wood.
Crom Estate, managed by the National Trust, is on the opposite side of the Lough from Reilly and Gole Woods. It has a car park, picnic tables and a nature trail.
Further information
Phone number - 02866344803