Developing Angling in Northern Ireland
Developing the sport of angling has the potential to improve people’s lives, promote Northern Ireland as a tourist attraction to welcome visitors, create jobs and contribute to growing the economy.
Social and Economic Impact of Angling in Northern Ireland Report - 2007
A report to examine the social and economic impact of recreational angling (coarse, game and sea angling) in Northern Ireland and areas within the Loughs Agency which are in the Republic of Ireland was published in 2007.

The main objective of this study was to identify the current and potential social and economic contribution of fisheries, angling, angling resources and angling tourism to Northern Ireland.
The 2007 Report can be reviewed here.
The Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland (NI) Report 2013 and Update 2016
The Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland (NI) final report was published in February 2014 with an update published in October 2016.
The review provides information on the scale and characteristics of participation in angling in Northern Ireland in 2013 and identifies the opportunities and constraints to further development.
The report also provided detailed information on the issues and challenges that needed to be overcome to realise the potential of Northern Ireland to be a place where angling can be enjoyed by all, contribute to the delivery of healthy lifestyles and be a key economic driver through tourism visits.
In this review, angling refers to game, coarse and sea fish species but does not include commercial inland or sea fisheries.
The initial report has 33 recommendations for angling development and angling tourism in Northern Ireland. The update 2016 report has 25 recommendations.
The Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland 2013 report, Executive Summary and update 2016 can be viewed here.
NI Angling Forum
The NI Angling Forum consisting of DAERA Inland Fisheries, Sports NI, the Loughs Agency, Tourism NI and key angling stakeholder organisations meet on a regular basis to review and take forward the recommendations of the 2013 review and 2016 update.