Drainage Plans
Guidance on the information required in a Drainage Plan
Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) requires a detailed site drainage plan to be submitted with certain planning applications involving the following sectors and activities:
- commercial
- agricultural
- end of life vehicles
- refuelling
- vehicle washing
- industrial
- extractive industry
- energy and waste management related activities
- kennels
Any unusual or novel proposal should also be accompanied by a detailed drainage plan.
A drainage plan should clearly illustrate the following (where applicable):
- the site’s storm drainage
- foul sewers
- any combined drainage systems
- any dirty water storage facilities
- slurry tanks;
- detail where all drainage discharges to
- silt traps/oil interceptors and any other drainage infrastructure incorporated into the sites drainage system
- areas of hard standing (impermeable surfaces)
- storage areas e.g. un-depolluted and depolluted vehicles.