A Green Growth Strategy for Northern Ireland - Balancing our climate, environment and economy
The Green Growth Strategy is the Northern Ireland Executive’s multi-decade strategy, balancing climate, environment and the economy in Northern Ireland. It sets out the long-term vision for tackling the climate crisis in the right way.
You can view the draft Green Growth Strategy at Consultation on the draft Green Growth Strategy for Northern Ireland.
Green Growth Vision
Northern Ireland has taken the action needed to transition from being a high to a net zero emissions, nature rich society where we are reaping the economic, social, health and environmental benefits from a thriving green economy. We have made this transition just and fair for all, with equality, inclusivity and social justice at the heart of our decisions and good jobs are accessible to everyone, especially the most vulnerable in our society.
What is Green Growth?
Green Growth means using the move from a high to a low greenhouse gas emissions economy to improve people’s quality of life through green jobs and a clean environment. Green Growth means recognising and accepting the impact we have on our planet and doing something about it.
Green Growth is an opportunity to kick-start Northern Ireland’s recovery following the Covid-19 crisis while ensuring that the environment around us continues to provide the resources on which we all rely.
The focus of Green Growth is ensuring that our natural assets can deliver their full economic potential on a sustainable basis. Our climate and environment affect all of us and we all need to take individual responsibility and consider how our own actions impact the environment.
Balancing climate, environment and green economy
Green Growth is about more than just climate targets. It also considers the wider environment as well as a green economy. By taking this approach and tackling these issues collectively, it presents us with an opportunity to reassess our impact on the planet by doing things differently and in a less harmful way.
Central to our Green Growth approach will be tackling climate change; mitigating our impact and reducing our emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition to reducing our emissions through the delivery of our Climate Action Plans, we must ensure that our society, economy, and environment are well adapted and resilient to both the current and projected future impacts of climate change through our Adaptation Programmes. The strategy recognises the need for adaptation and mitigation measures to work together to address both the causes and potential impacts of climate change.
Green Economy
The transition to a new economic and societal model will have major consequences for jobs. Green jobs can be defined as an activity that contributes to protecting or restoring the environment, including those that mitigate or adapt to climate change. Green Skills will play a key role in the delivery of reducing carbon emissions and restoring our environment. Having individuals with the right skills and knowledge in the right jobs will help to develop and implement sustainable practices. Developing green skills and green jobs will help to develop innovative solutions to the climate and environmental challenges we face and drive positive socio-economic change.
The Green Growth approach is about more than just climate targets. It also considers how we protect our natural environment, which is vital to our well-being and for providing essential services like clean air, fresh water, and resources for our infrastructure. Our natural environment is one of our most important assets and contributes to our prosperity and well-being in numerous ways. It protects us from extreme weather, supports our health through opening up green spaces, and helps us adapt to climate change.