Interactive Statistics Hub
DAERA Dashboards, Infographics and Videos
DAERA have developed dashboards to view and explore data from the main statistical publications produced by the Department.
- NI Farm Incomes and Performance
- NI Agricultural Markets Prices
- NI Livestock Statistics
- NI Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste Management Statistics
- NI Food and Drink Processing Sector Statistics
Due to the enhanced functionality, visualisations and data granularity contained in Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Projections Dashboard, please allow some time for it to load.
An alternative basic dashboard is also available.
Click on the publication title to view the latest infographic of the edition.
- The Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture – infographic
- Northern Ireland Farm Census Infographic
- Northern Ireland Agricultural Incomes Infographic
Climate Change
- NI Carrier Bag Levy Statistics
- NI Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste Management Statistics
- NI Environmental Statistics Report
Rural Statistics and farmer equality indicators
Animal health, Fisheries, Food and Forestry
- Size and performance of the NI food and drinks processing sector
- Digest of Statistics for Salmon and Inland Fisheries in the DAERA jurisdiction
Animal health, Fisheries, Food and Forestry
Below is a video highlighting the key facts and trends from the Size and Performance of the NI Food and Drinks Sector.
Domain Access
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