The INTRA module in TRACES Classic will remain available up to and including 15 October 2021. There will be a short period of parallel use. However, new certificates must only be created in TRACES NT, TRACES Classic is only to be used to finalise certificates created before 11 October 2021.
Starting from 16 October 2021, the issuance of animal health certificates for movements between Member States will be performed only through TRACES NT. Animal health certificates in TRACES Classic that have not been validated before 16 October 2021 will have to be re-submitted in TRACES NT.
Purpose of TRACES
TRACES notifies Member States of movements of live animals and their products into or through different territories of Member States.
TRACES will help Competent Authorities in each Member State to meet the needs of their traders and their EU animal and public health obligations.
EU Exports and TRACES
Exporters may wish to register their details on the TRACES system using the online registration procedure. A step-by-step guide to the registration procedure is available.
After registration, economic operators may apply to the issuing Divisional Veterinary Office (DVO) for an Intra-Trade Animal Health Certificate (ITAHC) via the TRACES website, by completing Part 1 of the ITAHC on-line, electronically signing it and then submitting it to the DVO.
Exporters who are not registered with TRACES can apply to the DVO for an ITAHC using the application form TRACES EXA.
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