What is biodiversity
Biodiversity encompasses the whole variety of life on Earth. It includes all species of plants, fungi and animals, their genetic variation and the complex ecosystems of which they are part.
It is not restricted to rare or threatened species but includes the whole of the natural world from the commonplace to the critically endangered.
Biodiversity lists
Priority habitats and species require conservation action because of their decline, rarity and importance in an all-Ireland and UK context. The Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, introduced new provisions and amended the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 in order to reflect the increasing significance of protecting Northern Ireland’s biodiversity. The Act requires the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to publish lists of plants, fungi and animal species, and of habitats, which are considered to be of particular priority for conservation attention in Northern Ireland.
The Northern Ireland Biodiversity lists are lists of plants, fungi, animals and habitats that the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs considers to be of principal importance for the conservation of biodiversity.
The purpose of the lists is to assist public bodies in carrying out their biodiversity duty by identifying the species and habitats which are the highest priority for biodiversity conservation in Northern Ireland. It is also a useful source of information for anyone interested in nature conservation in Northern Ireland.
- The Northern Ireland Biodiversity List of Priority Habitats
- The Northern Ireland Biodiversity List of Priority Species
- Priority Habitat Guides
- Priority Habitat Classification Keys
- Priority Habitat Rapid Condition Assessment
- EFS Species-specific Advice
Habitat Action Plans and Species Action Plans are currently being reviewed.
More useful links
- Biodiversity Strategy for Northern Ireland to 2020
- Report on the implementation of the 2015 Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy - Valuing Nature
Contact Us
Email: BCSGeneral@daera-ni.gov.uk