What to do if you think you see Blue-Green Algae?
What to do if you are at a river, lake or the sea and suspect there is blue-green algae?
If you are at a river, lake or the sea and suspect there is blue-green algae, follow these steps:
Report it: Bloomin Algae App

The Bloomin’ Algae App helps make reporting of blue-green algae easier and quicker, allowing environmental experts to respond faster and issue public warnings more efficiently. It enables users to submit a photo of an algae bloom on their mobile device, along with the location and activities taking place in the associated waters. Bloomin’ Algae App is free to download directly from:
Find out more at: Bloomin’ Algae | UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (ceh.ac.uk)
If you don’t have Bloomin Algae App – email photos to NIEA
Report the bloom to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency. You can report any suspected blooms either by emailing the location and photographs to emergency-pollution@daera-ni.gov.uk.
Follow any advice provided by the landowner/operator of the river, lake or beach.
Confirmed Locations
To view the locations of confirmed Blue-Green Algae Blooms please visit Blue-Green Algae - Confirmed Locations .