3362 results
Recent Business Development group meeting
A Business Development Group meeting was recently hosted by William Barton near Omagh in Co. Tyrone.
CAFRE student is off to the right start at Rangers Lodge
CAFRE Enniskillen Campus student Grace Sinclair, from Bangor, is on work placement at Rangers Lodge as part of her Level...
DAERA reminds holidaymakers - don’t risk it, leave it behind
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) today issued a reminder to holidaymakers travelling...
Management notes for July 2019
Management Notes are prepared by staff from the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE). CAFRE is a...
Check your grass is top class
Grass growth has been good this year but managing swards has been quite challenging.
NI’s Chief Vet urges vigilance for signs of Bluetongue
Northern Ireland’s Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. Robert J Huey is urging local herd and flock keepers to remain vigilant...
June stocking of Departmental waters
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has stocked the following waters with takeable fish...
Environmental Farming Scheme integrates with sustainable farm management
Anita Kirkpatrick and her husband David Kelly farm in partnership with Anita’s brother Alexander near Brookeborough Co...
Performance of cattle bred at CAFRE’s Hill Farm Development Centre - June 2019
The CAFRE Hill Farm Development Centre, Glenwherry herd currently comprises of 100 spring calving suckler cows. The main...
DAERA seeks views on potential options for BPS entitlement unit values post 2019
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is seeking the views of stakeholders on potential...
World War II seaplane found in Lough Erne
Lough Erne has revealed a secretive past, with the discovery of a World War II seaplane at the bottom of the lough.
Food student’s fundraising success at CAFRE
Students from the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE), Loughry Campus, Cookstown have been able to...
DAERA issues offers to EFS Tranche 3 applicants
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), has today announced that ‘Letters of Offer’ for...
Brucellosis compensation rates for July 2019
The compensation payable, for reactors and negative in contacts for which notice of intended slaughter is issued in July...
Equine industry contributes £212m per year and 3,300 jobs to NI economy
A new economic analysis has shown that the equine industry in Northern Ireland contributes approximately £212million per...
Inter-Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (IMG EFRA)
DAERA's Head of Food and Farming Group, Mr Norman Fulton, participated in the recent meeting of the Inter Ministerial...
DAERA pumps £23 million into making recycling easier
A fresh £23million is being invested into making recycling easier and improve the quality of material being recycled...
CAFRE’s food students create and innovate
National Diploma food students at CAFRE have had their creativity, entrepreneurial skills and practical know-how, tested...
Have your say on the future of forests in Fermanagh and Tyrone
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Forest Service has launched two public engagements...
Consultation on the proposed format of Bovine Electronic Identification numbering in NI
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has published a consultation seeking views on a...