Fathom Upper ASSI is a species rich Grassland. The site is composed of four fields and an area of gorse scrub. Such species rich grasslands are now a rare habitat in Northern Ireland.
The four fields contain a range of species typical of traditionally managed grassland. These include a variety of grasses such as common bent, crested dog's-tail and sweet vernal-grass, and a range of meadow herbs including Yarrow, devil's bit-scabious, common birds-foot-trefoil and cat's-ear. In addition several orchids occur, such as common spotted orchid, greater butterfly-orchid, and frog orchid. Lesser spearwort, purple loosestrife, wild angelica and water mint dominate the wetter areas of the site.
Many of these species are only found where traditional farming methods prevail. The use of herbicide, artificial fertiliser, or the application of slurry or manure would cause a reduction of the number of plant species on the site.
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