Keadew ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Fermanagh
Council: Fermanagh and Omagh
Guidance and literature: Keadew ASSI

Keadew has been declared as an ASSI because of its species-rich wet grassland. Species-rich grassland tends to occur only where traditional farming practices have been maintained. Such species-rich grassland is now a rare habitat in Northern Ireland.

Keadew is situated close to the Screenagh River approximately 2km west of Derrygonnelly.  Variations in soils and topography have resulted in subtle differences in grassland type, with species denoting both the wet and dry conditions occurring.

A special type of species-rich wet grassland occurs at Keadew which is extremely localised in its distribution within Northern Ireland and is particularly associated with wet meadows in Fermanagh. The grassland at Keadew occurs on gentle slopes where there is a steady hydrological influence flowing through the soil. This results in the occurrence of species adapted to both the water movement and wetter conditions.

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