Leathemstown ASSI
- Habitat,
- Species
Leathemstown is an area of marginal agricultural grassland surrounding a small reservoir in the Belfast Hills. It contains a range of species rich grassland types within a relatively small area. Associated wetland and scrub habitat adds to the overall diversity of the site.
The majority of the area is dry, species-rich mesotrophic grassland typically dominated by common bent, crested dog's-tail and red fescue with a wide range of associated species including the notable greater butterfly-orchid. Where soils are flushed, there are localised stands of species rich wet vegetation.
Over ten species of butterfly have been recorded from the area including common blue, dark green fritillary, small heath, meadow brown, painted lady and clouded yellow. The rare shady horsetail is the most notable plant species and is located in the small block of woodland associated with the river outlet.