Lough Melvin SAC

Protected area type: Special Areas of Conservation
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Fermanagh
Council: Fermanagh and Omagh
Guidance and literature: Lough Melvin SAC

Lough Melvin originates from the end of the last Ice Age with a catchment lying mainly in the Republic of Ireland.  The catchment is relatively small for such an expansive waterbody (15.8 million m3).  The lough is fed by five major rivers; and drains into the Drowes River, a 7km outlet into Donegal Bay.

The water is in a relatively pristine state, as it has not been artificially enriched by pollutants.  Most of the shoreline and shallow margins of the lough are exposed to wave action and have a rocky character.

The lough itself is characterised by open water plant communities typical of mesotrophic (unenriched) conditions, a narrow fringe of emergent swamp and fen and a number of wooded islands.  In addition, some of the surrounding lands contain traditionally managed grasslands including Fen Meadow that are rich in plant species.  The wide range of habitats is reflected in the diversity of plant and animal communities present.  Lough Melvin is of particular importance for its fish population.

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