Monawilkin SAC
Monawilkin is primarily a calcareous grassland site with Blue Moor-grass Sesleria caerulea dominated grassland the richest of its type in Northern Ireland. The underlying rock is for the most part Carboniferous Upper Limestone with the north-west of the site underlain by sandstone.
The site also supports a range of species associated with a mosaic of other habitats including cliffs, screes, base rich flushes, heathland, scrub and woodland. There are transitions from open water to fen, swamp and Alder carr present around Carrick and Monawilkin Loughs within the site.
In addition to the floral interest, the south-facing limestone scarp is the best inland site for Lepidoptera in Northern Ireland. There are recent records for a total of 23 butterfly species, and the site is the only known location in NI for the Small Blue Cupido minumus. The site has recently, post declaration, been shown to be of national importance for its assemblage of grassland fungi. The Freshwater Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes occurs in Monawilkin Lough.