Murrins ASSI

Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Earth Science
  • Tyrone
Council: Fermanagh and Omagh
Guidance and literature: Murrins ASSI

The Murrins complex is a largely pristine moraine - outwash assemblage which demonstrates the retreat of a major discrete ice body centred on the Omagh Basin late in the last (Midlandian) deglaciation. The landform assemblage is important in demonstrating the complexity of subglacial to proglacial depositional processes during the deglacial cycle and comprises some of the best-preserved moraine ridges in Northern Ireland.

An upland peatland complex extends over much of this glacial outwash plain, consisting of several intermediate raised bog units within an enveloping blanket bog mantle. The peatland communities exhibit a number of notable structural features including hummock and lawn complexes and occasional remnant pool systems. In addition, a number of notable plant species have been recorded.

To the south-west of Murrins, there are a number of glacial moraines, or eskers, where heath has developed on sands and gravels. These heathland communities consist of both wet and dry types and depend upon local environmental conditions such as slope and aspect. Dry heaths are a limited resource in Northern Ireland.

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