Exports of Aquaculture Animals and Products
Movements of aquaculture produced fish and shellfish, including primary products (i.e. dead ungutted fish, Live bivalves for purification), to the European Union is permitted, but must be accompanied by the appropriate Export Health Certificate (EHC). Movements to countries outside the European Union will require such documentation as is requested by the importing country.
DAERA Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) is responsible for completing the documentation following an inspection of the consignment prior to export.
Movements to the European Union (EU)
Movements of fish and shellfish to EU Member States are subject to the rules of the EU Fish Health Regime under Council Directive 2006/88/EEC. The Directive is transposed in Northern Ireland by the Aquatic Animal Health Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009, as amended.
Northern Ireland is currently recognised as free from the following non-exotic finfish diseases listed in Annex IV, Part II of 2006/88/EC: viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), koi herpesvirus (KHV) and infectious salmon anaemia (ISA).
Northern Ireland also has national controls for Gyrodactylus salaris (GS), spring viraemia of carp (SVC), and bacterial kidney disease (BKD), under Article 43 of 2006/88/EC. Northern Ireland is recognised as being free from these diseases.
With the exception of Lough Foyle and Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland is free from the molluscan disease, Bonamia ostreae. Northern Ireland is recognised as free from Marteilia refringens with the exception of Dundrum Bay and Belfast Lough
The disease status of marine areas in which aquaculture products are harvested in Northern Ireland can be viewed at the following link:
The model Export Health Certificates for movements into the EU are set out in Commission Regulation (EC) 1251/2008.
DAERA FHI is responsible for completing the documentation following an inspection of the consignment prior to export.
Exports to third countries
Any exports to third countries will require documentation to be completed as requested by the official service of that country.
Inspections of exports
An application for an EHC must be made and submitted to DAERA FHI at least two working days before the proposed date of export to allow plans for an inspection of your consignment before export.
The EHC application form is located at the link below:
Complete the application form and e-mail it to: Fish.Health@daera-ni.gov.uk
If you require any assistance or further advice/information please contact:
Fisheries Inspectorate
Rathkeltair House
Market Street
BT30 6AJ
Telephone: 028 4461 8089
Email: Fish.Health@daera-ni.gov.uk