The Department is required to give an opinion on proposed projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). Project reference: ERA23/24-47
The Department is required to give an opinion on proposed projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). Project reference: ERA23/24-46
The Department is required to give an opinion on proposed projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). Project reference: ERA23/24-19
The Department is required to give an opinion on proposed projects in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). Project reference: ERA23/24-07
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs carried out targeted stakeholder engagement with stakeholders within the hops sector to seek views on draft Regulations required to update The Hops Certification Regulations 1979 as a...
The Department is seeking views on the proposed Blue Carbon Action Plan for Northern Ireland. We are using Citizen Space for collating responses from stakeholders – please provide your responses to the survey online if...
The Department and its stakeholders have reviewed Northern Ireland’s Marine Protected Areas Strategy, which was first published in 2014. The Department is now consulting on the Marine Protected Areas Strategy for the Northern Ireland Inshore...
Forest Service, an Executive Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is required to form an opinion under the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended) as to...
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA/the Department) sought views on a proposal to bring forward new legislation that would provide scope to amend the legislation that governs two legacy EU schemes, the...
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has published a consultation entitled ‘Rethinking Our Resources: Measures for Climate Action and a Circular Economy in NI.’ DAERA would now like to hear your views...
DAERA is seeking views on the possible introduction of mandatory sheep carcase classification and price reporting and the process for authorising automated grading methods for beef and sheep in Northern Ireland.
On 20 September 2023 the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland wrote to Permanent Secretaries of Northern Ireland Departments directing that they launch public consultations on measures to support budget sustainability by raising additional revenue...
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) presents this consultation and call for evidence on proposals to reform the producer responsibility system for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The responses will be...
Construction of a single carriageway bridge between Omeath and Warrenpoint, spanning the Narrow Water. This web page publishes all relevant documentation to assist consultees in responding to the marine construction licence application under Part 4...
Construction of pedestrian/ cycle bridge spanning the River Foyle with temporary in channel works, as part of the cross border Riverine Community Park Project. This web page publishes all relevant documentation to assist consultees in...
Proposed development of a greenway from Victoria Lock Amenity Site, to Republic of Ireland border, County Louth, to include approximately 1km of timber boardwalk with steel sub structure along the coastline of Carlingford Lough. This...