Protected area type: Areas of Special Scientific Interest
Feature type: 
  • Habitat
  • Species
  • Earth Science
  • Marine
  • Down
Council: Ards and North Down
Guidance and literature: Outer Ards ASSI

The Outer Ards Peninsula is of interest due to the structure, palaeontology and stratigraphy at Orlock Bridge, Coalpit Bay and Kearney Point. The seashore at Ballymacormick Point is composed of a number of Ordovician rock ridges running parallel to the water-line.

The total maritime habitat resource of this coastline includes areas of dune and maritime grassland, maritime heath and cliff ledge vegetation as well as saltmarshes, tidal and non-tidal fens and wet flushes. Although few of these vegetation types occur in substantial stands the widespread frequency of some results in a high cover abundance overall.

A number of notable maritime vegetation communities occur. Seventeen rare plant species have been recorded and the coastline is of international importance for the wintering populations of three species of waterfowl.

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