You can search for protected areas within Northern Ireland by following the link below. Here you will find associated guidance and literature.

Before you start

If you know the name of the designated site and want to know more about it, you can search for it by typing the name in the search box. You can search by designation type, feature and county. You can also combine searches. For example, if you would like to find all Earth Science related ASSI’S in County Down then you would filter the ASSI type 'ASSI' then the Feature 'Earth Science' and then the county 'Down'.

Search our protected areas

Additional information

If you are unsure of what the protected areas are in your area, to assist you the NIEA Natural Environment Map Viewer depicts natural environment protected areas and other biodiversity and geodiversity areas of interest. You can also look for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Northern Ireland inshore region in the DAERA Marine Map Viewer.

Natural Heritage Map viewer


DAERA Marine Map Viewer
DAERA Marine Map Viewer

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