Cattle Statuses - best practice advice
All cattle must be identified with DAERA approved ear tags and have their birth and identification notified to DAERA within 27 days. Deaths and movements must be notified within 7 days.
Identification and Registration (I&R) statuses
Identification and Registration (I&R) statuses are applied to an animal on the APHIS database when either:
- an animal is not identified and registered within the legal timeframe
- a major discrepancy exists between the animal’s physical identity and that held on the APHIS database
- an animal loses its ear tags
These cattle are only permitted to move to slaughter and in each case a movement restriction notice is posted to the herd keeper.
These statuses include IDQ, DOBQ, NNO and UNCOR (details in table below).
As the Agri-food industry drives forward its export agenda, the focus on identity assurance and robust traceability has intensified. Recently the Food Standards Agency in conjunction with DAERA clarified their expectations of Food Business Operators’ (FBOs) procedures in slaughterhouses to satisfy traceability requirements of cattle entering the food chain. The FBO’s procedures are verified by official controls implemented by DAERA staff.
This increased focus on traceability may result in animals presented with any of the above statuses being excluded from the food chain.
As a result of this clarification, herd-keepers intending to slaughter cattle are advised to check their APHIS herd lists for animals with statuses. These can be obtained on line or from a DAERA Direct office. Those herd keepers who have animals with statuses are advised to contact their FBO prior to delivery of the animals regarding their slaughter eligibility. The local DAERA Direct Office can provide herd keepers with a document containing additional information held on APHIS regarding an animal with an I&R status which may assist the FBO with their decision regarding slaughter eligibility.
This decision cannot be made by DAERA field staff.
Please Note: an animal with an IDU status will not be accepted for slaughter in any circumstances.
You should give at least three working days’ notice to enable the information on this document to be compiled.
You can prevent the application of statuses to your animals by:
- identifying and registering all cattle within the legal timeframes
- obtaining replacement tags promptly when tags are lost
- ensuring your herd register is updated as events happen
Under certain circumstances statuses may be removed from animals if the appropriate information is supplied to DAERA. Please contact your local DAERA Direct Office for more details.
Cattle Identification and Registration Statuses
IDQ | Animal not identified correctly or animal description does not match original registration or animals of any age that become re-identified with a new number on or after 15/08/2005. |
NNO | Birth notification (MC1) not received, incomplete, or received more than 27 Calendar days from date of birth. |
DOBQ | The registration of the date of birth is incomplete or there is a discrepancy between the age of the animal and the date of birth registered on APHIS. |
UNCOR | Animal born on or after 01/01/1998 and re-identified with a new number before 15/08/2005. |
IDU | Animal found to have a serious cattle identification discrepancy. If proof of identification is not established within 2 working days the animal will beslaughtered and no compensation will be payable. |