Ear tag information
Tags are used in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs and must be approved by DAERA and comply with the current legislation.
Feedback on ear tags
DAERA welcomes any feedback you give us about official ear tags for sheep, goats, pigs and cattle. The following forms, are available from your tag supplier and can be downloaded or completed online and sent back to
Identification Registration and Movement BranchJubilee House
111 Ballykelly Road
BT49 9HP
Email: DAERA.ImplementationSupportUnit@daera-ni.gov.uk
Where to obtain approved cattle ear tags in Northern Ireland
Information relating to approved ear tag suppliers and the primary and secondary ear tags that they provide.
Related link
Sheep and goats
Types and sizes of sheep and goat tags (included Electronic Identification (EID) tags)
All animals which require tagging to comply with DAERA Identification, Registration and Movement regulations must use tags which have been approved to meet with DAERA requirements.
There are currently no pastern tags officially approved by DAERA
Current Suppliers of Approved Sheep Tags
Supplier | Approved Tag |
Allflex UK Group Ltd 1 Greenmount Industrial Park Stanley County Durham England DH9 7YA Tel: 01207 523 175 Fax: 0800 783 6655 Email: sales@allflex.co.uk | Allflex UK Group Ltd - Visual Tag Allflex UK Group Ltd - EID Tag Allflex UK Group Ltd - Button Tag Allflex UK Group Ltd - FDX Lwt EID Button Allflex UK Group Ltd - Long Term Allflex UK Group Ltd Tag - Long Term Allflex UK Group Ltd Leaf Tag - Long Term Allflex UK Group Ltd - EID Button - Long Term Allflex UK Group Ltd - EID RD2000 Button - Long Term Allflex UK Group Ltd - Snapp EID - Long Term Allflex UK Qwik EID tag |
Caisley Eartag Ltd Unit 21 Sycamore Business Park Dishforth Road Copt Hewick Ripon North Yorkshire HG4 5DF Tel: 01765 530294 Fax: 01765 603767 Email: sales@caisleytags.co.uk | Flexoplus L/L Twin Tag Multiflex R/R Multiflex L/L Flexotronic L27 Flexotronic R27 (Conditional Approval) Flexoplus L/L Geno |
Countryside Services 97 Moy Road Dungannon Co Tyrone BT71 7DXTel: 028 8778 9770 Fax: 028 8778 8200 Email: info@countrysideservices.com | Eid Lamb Tag Sym Lamb Tag - Short Term Loop Tag - Short Term Foldover Electronic Flexotronic L/R 27 Flexoplus L/L Flexoplus L/L Geno |
Dalton Tags Unit 2 Manners Road Newark Nottinghamshire NG24 1BS Tel: 01636 700990 Email: Sales@daltontags.co.uk or info@daltontags.co.uk | Dalton I Tag Loop (EID) Dalton I tag Button (EID) Dalton Suretag Dalton Original Rototag Dalton U-Tag Dalton Tagomatic Dalton EID Rototag I-Tagomatic (Conditional Approval) |
Fane Valley Co-op Society Ltd Units 1-2 Glenavy Business Park Glenavy Road Moria BT67 0LT Tel: 028 3839 4900 Fax: 028 3835 0139 Email: pat.donnelly@fanevalleystores.com | Ritchey Snap Tag - Short Term Cox Tip-Tag - Short Term Ritchey Mini-Dalesman Tag - Short Term Allflex FDX Lwt Button EID EID Bubblegum EID Babe |
Holden Agri & Fuels 27 Art Road Artigarvan Strabane Co Tyrone BT82 0HATel: 02871 382283 Fax: 028 7138 2090 | Dalton Suretag - Long Term Dalton Original Rototag - Short Term Dalton U-Tag - Short Term Dalton Temptag - Short Term Dalton Tagomatic - Short Term Dalton Short Term Rototag Dalton I-Tagomatic (Conditional Approval) |
Datamars Agri UK Limited c/o Quicktag 7a Churchfield Road Ballycastle Co Antrim BT54 6PJTel: 028 2076 8696 Fax: 028 2076 8699 Email: info@quicktag.co.uk | Quicktag Sheep Tag-2 piece - Short Term Quicktag Easy Tag - Short Term Quicktag Auto Tag - Short Term Quicktag Mini - Long Term Quicktag Midi - Long Term Quicktag Button - Long Term EID Button Tag Sheep EID Tagfaster HandyMan EID Twins Rubba 1 Rubba 2 Rubba 3 Z Tag Sheep |
Shearwell Data Ltd Putham Wheddon Cross Minehead Somerset TA24 7AS Tel: 01643 841611 Fax: 01643 841628 Email: sales@shearwell.co.uk | Combi Mini Tag - Long Term SET Tag - Long Term EID SET Tag Auto EID Set Tag Auto Set Tag Combi Button Tag 20g Bolus (EID) Combi E23 EID |
Steele Farm Supplies 32 Market Street Ballymoney County Antrim BT53 6EE Tel: 028 2766 7391 | NI Senior Ultra Primary NI Ultra Senior & TST Flag Set NI Ultra Senior Space & TST Flag Set (Primary TST) NI Ultra Senior & TST Button Set (Primary TST) NI Ultra Junior & TST Flag Set NI Ultra Junior & TST Button Set NI Ultra Senior & TST Flag NI Senior Ultra Primary NI Ultra Senior & TST Flag Set NI Ultra Senior Space & TST Flag Set (Primary TST) NI Ultra Senior & TST Button Set (Primary TST) NI Ultra Junior & TST Flag Set NI Ultra Junior & TST Button Set NI Ultra Senior & TST Flag |
Pig tag manufacturers and suppliers
Listed below are the contact details for all the companies who can provide pig tags.
Allflex UK Group Ltd 1 Greenmount Industrial Park Stanley County Durham England DH9 7YA Tel: 01207 523 175 Fax: 0800 783 6655Email: sales@allflex.co.uk Web: www.allflex.co.uk | Countryside Services 97 Moy Road Dungannon Co Tyrone BT71 7DX Tel: 028 8778 9770 Fax: 028 8778 8200 Email: info@countrysideservices.com |
Datamars Agri UK Limited c/o Quicktag 7a Churchfield Road Ballycastle Co Antrim BT54 6PJTel: 028 2076 8696 Fax: 028 2076 8699Email: info@quicktag.co.uk jennifer.maybin@quicktag.co.uk / francis.farrell@quicktag.co.uk Buy online: www.quicktag.co.uk | Fane Valley Co-op Society Ltd Units 1-2 Glenavy Business Park Glenavy Road Moria BT67 0LT Tel: 028 3839 4900 Fax: 028 3835 0139Email: pat.donnelly@fanevalleystores.com Web: www.fanevalleystores.com |
Nordic Star Ear Tags Ltd Unit 8 Grove Park Court Grove Park Terrace Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 4DP United KingdomTel: 0800 7319465 Email: sales@nordicstar.co.uk | Schippers Europe B.V. Smaragdweg 60 5527 LP Habert Tel: +31-(0)497-339-774Email: export@msschippers.com Web: www.schippers.eu |
Schippers Europe B.V. Smaragdweg 60 5527 LB Hapert Tel: +31 (0)497 339 774 Email: export@msschippers.com Web: www.schippers.eu | Shearwell Data Ltd Putham Wheddon Cross Minehead Somerset TA24 7AS Tel: 01643 841611 Fax: 01643 841628 Email: sales@shearwell.co.uk |
Approved by DAERA to provide BVDV test results for the Northern Ireland BVD eradication scheme
Lab | Address & tel number | Contact name and email |
Axiom Veterinary Laboratories Ltd | The Manor House Brunel Road Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 4PBTel: 01626 357776
| James Barnett James.Barnett@axiomvetlab.co.uk |
Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI) | Stoney Road Stormont Belfast BT4 3SDTel: 02890 525632 | Ms Emma Campbell BVD.Testing@afbini.gov.uk |
Agri Diagnostics Ireland Lab | Lawlor’s Cross Dunrine Co. Kerry IrelandTel: 00 35364 6633922 | Kieran O’Donovan Kieran@agridiagnostics.ie |
Biobest Laboratories Ltd | 6 Charles Darwin House The Edinburgh Technopole Milton Bridge Nr Penicuik EH26 0PYTel: 0131 4402628 | Dr Susan Duthie SusanDuthie@biobest.co.uk |
The Cattle Information Service (CIS) | Speir House Stafford Park One Telford Shropshire TF3 3BDTel: 01923 695320 | Aga Blachowicz TheLab@thecis.co.uk |
Enfer Labs | Unit T M7 Business Park Newhall Naas Co. KildareTel: 00 35345 983805 | Dr Paul Simmons PaulSimmons@enfergroup.com |
FarmLab Diagnostics Ltd | Elphin Tel: 00 35371 9530792 | John Gilmore / Vanessa Moffatt admin@farmlab.ie johngilmore@farmlab.ie |
Independent Milk Laboratories (IML) | Shercock Road Bailieborough Tel: 0429675353 | Robert Burns robertb@imlabs.ie |
National Milk Laboratories (NML) | 32 Kelvin Avenue Hillington Park Glasgow G52 4LTTel: 0141 8926284 | Mr Derek Connolly DerekC@nmr.co.uk |
SACC Veterinary Services | Central Analytical Laboratory Allan Watt Building Bush Estate, Penicuik Midlothian, Scotland EH26 0QETel: 0131 5353130 | Ralph Seaton Ralph.Seaton@sac.co.uk |
In addition, DAERA has approved the following labs for recognition of their test results for bovines born in other jurisdictions (for the purpose of recognising these results where a bovine subsequently moves to a herd in Northern Ireland)
Lab | Address & tel number | Contact name and email |
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine | Central Veterinary Research Laboratory Young's Cross Celbridge Co.Kildare W23 X3PH Tel: 00353(0) 16157225 | Jose Maria Lozano Josemaria.Lozano@agriculture.gov.ie |
FBA Laboratories Ltd | Carrigeen Industrial Estate Cappoquin Co Waterford P51 RW14 Tel: 00353(0) 5852861 | Elaine Langley MilkDiagnostic@fba-labs.com |
Oldcastle Laboratories Ltd | Cogan Street Oldcastle Co. Meath A82 HW90Tel: 00353(0) 498541160 | Claire Foley info@oldcastlelabs.ie |
Animal health Laboratories Ltd | Shinagh House Dunmanway Road Bandon Co. Cork P72 TY31Tel : 0238854100 | Lorraine Richardson LRichardson@ahli.ie |