Nutrient Management Plan

Guidance on the information required in a Nutrient Management Plan

Guidance on the information required in a Nutrient Management Plan

For each field (no larger than 4 Ha) where digestate/manure/slurry/litter is to be applied, the following must be provided:

  • Full Field Identification numbers, field area (Hectares) and DAERA Farm Map.
  • Crop to be grown and previous crop grown.
  • Soil type and Soil Nitrogen Supply Index.
  • Valid Soil Nutrient Analysis (including Phosphorus and pH) which corresponds with individual field identification numbers. The analysis results should be less than 4 years old.
  • A digestate/manure/litter/slurry application map showing where applications can take place and where they should be avoided.
  • All waterways e.g. rivers, streams, sheughs and field drains should be clearly marked on the field maps.
  • Details of all other organic digestates/manures/slurries/litter/ wastes and chemical fertiliser to be used on the fields.
  • Details of all imports and exports of organic manure including digestate/manure/slurry/litter.
  • Export of digestate/manure/slurry/litter should be evidenced within a Contractual Agreement, signed by both parties, which sets out the type of material and tonnages involved. Agreement should be for a minimum of 3 years.
  • The destination of any exports off farm must be clearly detailed to include Business ID of receiving farm and associated Nutrient Management Plan for the receiving farm.
  • If export is to an Anaerobic Digester Plant, the Plant should be clearly identified, and its address provided.
  • Digestate spreading locations will need to have been assessed in previous 4 years, and this should be demonstrated.

Soil Sampling

The submission of soil sample analysis results, as detailed above, should include the following:

  • Sampling methodology used, including the number of sub samples taken in each field unit.
  • The date the samples were taken.
  • The name and organisation, if relevant, of the person who took the samples plus a signed declaration from them that the samples were taken from the identified fields. The signed declaration should include the contact details for the sampler, to include their email address and telephone number.
  • The applicant should instruct the analysing laboratory to send a copy of the analysis results directly to the planning authority for upload onto the NI Planning Portal, along with a covering email (or directly to NIEA for environmental authorisations, e.g.Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Permits or a Waste Management Licences).

NIEA, upon review of analysis results presented as part of a planning application or environmental authorisation, may undertake audit sampling of a selected number of fields to verify the analysis results presented. A suitable date will be arranged with the applicant, or their Agent.

Exports to the Republic of Ireland

If digestate/manure/slurry/litter is to be exported to the Republic of Ireland a Letter from Teagasc must be provided which includes:

  • Confirmation that the recipient is a bona fida farmer and has the capacity to receive the stated tonnage of digestate/manure/slurry/ litter.
  • Direct contact details for the author of the Teagasc letter, to include email address and telephone number.
  • The Teagasc Letter should be less than 12 months old when submitted to support an application.
  • NIEA may require the applicant to request a confirmation email to be sent from the Teagasc advisor to the planning authority, for upload onto the NI Planning Portal (or directly to NIEA for environmental authorisations e.g Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Permits or Waste Management Licences).

Please note, the applicant should keep all records for a minimum of five years.

Important Information for the Planning (Council) Case Officer

All information supplied relating to the utilisation of digestate/manure /slurry/litter for NIEA’s consideration must be emailed directly in un-redacted form (including signatures). This includes all:

  • Nutrient Management Plans
  • Contractual Agreements
  • Confirmation from Teagasc.

All un-redacted information can be e-mailed to

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