Protecting marine biodiversity
Thousands of species - mammals, worms, crustaceans, seabirds and seaweeds - live in a wide range of habitats, from the top of cliffs down to rocky, muddy or sandy shores and sheltered sea loughs, as well as creatures on the seabed of deep sea habitats. More than half of our biodiversity lies beneath the sea.
Northern Ireland has a duty to protect our biodiversity under international agreements and national legislation. DAERA Marine and Fisheries Division has a legal obligation to survey, monitor and report on the condition of our protected species and habitats, and marine ecosystems, both within and outside of Marine Protected Areas.
Further information
- Marine conservation and protection
- Marine conservation advice and guidance
- Monitoring marine biodiversity
- Marine Protected Areas
- Marine Wildlife licensing
Useful links
- Marine Areas of Special Scientific Interest
- Marine Conservation Zones
- Marine historic environment
- Marine National Site Network - Marine SACs and SPAs
- Marine Protected Areas
- Marine Ramsar sites
- Monitoring marine habitats and species
- Portrush Coastal Zone
- Shipwrecks
- Special Areas of Conservation for Harbour porpoise
- Protected areas
- Searching protected areas