5165 publications
Digest of statistics for salmon and inland fisheries in the DCAL jurisdiction 2013
This report includes statistics which provide an overview of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) fisheries sector in Northern Ireland.
Terms of reference for the Equality & Diversity Steering Group (EDSG)
DAERA is committed to promoting equality and good relations across all aspects of its business: in its policies, information and service provision for customers, visitors and staff. DAERA works to ensure that all of its...
Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics October to December 2012 quarterly report
This is a quarterly publication which contains provisional figures for October to December 2012 on the key measurements of local authority collected municipal waste for district councils and waste management groups in Northern Ireland.
Strangford and Lecale Catchment Stakeholder Group Meeting 24 April 2013
Strangford and Lecale Catchment Stakeholder Group Meeting 24 April 2013 - agenda, minutes, presentations from Catchment Officer, Spartina Control.
Assessing the impact of shore-based shellfish collection on under-boulder communities in Strangford Lough
Under-boulder communities are listed as a priority habitat as they provide shelter, shade and moisture and play an important role in the life-cycle of many marine algae and animals.
Lower Foyle Catchment Stakeholder Group Meeting 22 November 2011
Lower Foyle Catchment Stakeholder Group Meeting 22 November 2011
Lower Foyle Catchment Stakeholder Group Meeting 24 April 2012
Lower Foyle Catchment Stakeholder Group Meeting 24 April 2012
Review of the natural history of wild boar on the island of Ireland
A report providing an independent, comprehensive review of the natural history of wild boar (Sus scrofa) on the island of Ireland. This review is in direct response to the uncertainty surrounding the natural history of...
Agricultural market reports - 2012
The Agricultural Market Report provides average prices for clean cattle and sheep and for breeding animals, as well as prices for pigs, broiler chickens, potatoes and cereals in Northern Ireland.
Guidance on Aujeszky's Disease Scheme Order
Guidance document providing useful information and advice in relation to the Aujeszky's disease Scheme order.
Drinking Water Inspectorate - Information Letter 02/13 - Further Guidance on Lead
Drinking Water Inspectorate Information Letter 02/13 - Further Guidance on Lead
Northern Ireland Countryside Survey 2007 - quadrat survey – field methods and technical manual
The quadrat survey contains information on woodland, seminatural vegetation, agricultural grassland, crops, waterbodies and the built environment. The field mapped habitat parcels within the NICS sample squares are stored as digital polygons with associated databases...
Noise complaint statistics for Northern Ireland 2011 to 2012
The purpose of this report is to inform central government, district councils, the general public and any other interested parties as to the number and nature of noise complaints received each year by district councils...
Braid and Main Local Management Area Action Plan - March 2013
River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015. The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.
Faughan Local Management Area Action Plan March 2013
River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015. The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.
Larne Lough Local Management Area Action Plan March 2013
River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015. The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.
Lough Melvin and Arney Local Management Area Action Plan - March 2013
River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015. The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.
Moyola Local Management Area Action Plan March 2013
River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015. The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.
Six Mile Water Local Management Area Action Plan March 2013
River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015. The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.
Strule Local Management Area Action Plan March 2013
River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015. The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.