Avian Influenza (AI)
Avian influenza (AI), commonly known as bird flu, is a highly contagious viral disease affecting the respiratory, digestive and/or nervous system of many species of birds. It may also pose a threat to people and other animals in certain circumstances.
Avian influenza is a notifiable animal disease. If you keep poultry (including game birds or as pets) please remain vigilant for any signs of disease in your flock. If you have any concerns about the health of your birds please report it to your Private Veterinary Practitioner. If notifiable disease is suspected, contact the DAERA Helpline on 0300 200 7840 or your local DAERA Direct Regional Office. Failure to do so is an offence.
Contact the DAERA helpline on 0300 200 7840 if you find one or more dead gulls, waders, ducks, geese, swans (webbed feet, long legs or long neck) or birds of prey. Any other single dead birds do not need to be reported.
Bird registration
Please note that by law, bird keepers should register their birds. This applies to all birds except those kept within your home. This will enable the Department to provide you with up-to-date information about avian influenza and measures you can take to prevent spread to your birds. A registration form is available from the link below or by contacting your local DAERA Direct Regional Office.
Avian Influenza text alert service
By signing up to our text alert service you can keep up to date with the latest news. You will receive immediate notification of any disease outbreak or other important disease information, enabling you to protect your flock at the earliest opportunity.
Subscription is easy. Simply text ‘BIRDS’ to 67300.
The text alert service privacy notice explains how DAERA will use and protect your personal information in relation to the Avian Influenza Text Alert service.
Latest Situation
All moves within any of the declared Temporary Control Zones (TCZs), Protections Zones (PZs) and Surveillance Zones (SZs) are required to be licenced.
For more information, please see the Movement within Zones section.
For General Licences which are currently available, please visit the following page:-
General Licences now available | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (daera-ni.gov.uk)
Full details of the scope and measures required within any of the declared zones can be viewed in the published declarations, which are available to view at the following link:-
Disease Control Zone Declarations | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (daera-ni.gov.uk).
A map detailing all TCZs, PZs and SZs can be accessed at the Avian Influenza Map Viewer (daera-ni.gov.uk).
Update 13 December 2021
HPAI H5N1 was confirmed in the Republic of Ireland in premises close to the border between County Monaghan and County Armagh. A 3km Protection Zone (PZ) and 10km Surveillance Zone (SZ) were declared around the infected premises (IP). DAERA declared a 3km PZ and 10km SZ in the part of Northern Ireland that lies within 3km and 10km of the IP, effective from 14:00 hrs on 13 December 2021.
Full details of the scope and measures required within the PZ and SZ Declaration can be viewed here.
Update 11 December 2021
Following the suspicion of notifiable avian influenza, including initial laboratory results, in Coagh, County Tyrone, the Chief Veterinary Officer has taken the decision to take appropriate disease control measures. This includes the humane culling of affected birds and the introduction of Temporary Control Zones (TCZs) effective from 20:00 on 11 December 2021, to mitigate for onward disease spread.
Samples have been sent to the National Reference Laboratory to confirm strain and pathogenicity.
Should highly pathogenic AI be confirmed, these TCZs will be revoked and a 3 km Protection Zone (PZ) and 10 km Surveillance Zone (SZ) established.
See DAERA Press Release
Update 10 December 2021
Following the suspicion of notifiable avian influenza, including initial laboratory results, in County Armagh, the Chief Veterinary Officer has taken the decision to take appropriate disease control measures. This includes the humane culling of affected birds and the introduction of Temporary Control Zones (TCZs) effective from 20:00 on 10 December 2021, to mitigate for onward disease spread.
Samples have been sent to the National Reference Laboratory to confirm strain and pathogenicity.
Should highly pathogenic AI be confirmed, these TCZs will be revoked and a 3 km Protection Zone (PZ) and 10 km Surveillance Zone (SZ) established.
Previous Updates
9 December 2021
HPAI H5N1 was confirmed in the Republic of Ireland in premises close to the border between County Cavan and Country Fermanagh. A 3km Protection Zone (PZ) and 10km Surveillance Zone (SZ) were declared around the infected premises (IP). DAERA declared a 10k SZ in the part of Northern Ireland that lies within 10km of the IP, effective from 08:00 hrs on 09 December 2021.
7 December 2021
HPAI H5N1 was confirmed on premises in Aughnacloy, County Tyrone and premises in Broughshane, County Antrim, by the Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer for Northern Ireland. 3km Protection Zones (PZ) and 10km Surveillance Zones (SZ) have been declared around both premises in effective from 08:45 hrs on 7 December 2021 as a disease control measure.
3 December 2021
HPAI H5N1 was confirmed in the Republic of Ireland in premises close to the border between County Monaghan and Country Armagh. Disease control zones put in place by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) have been formally replaced with a 3km Protection Zone (PZ) and a 10km Surveillance Zone (SZ).
The Temporary Control Zone (TCZ-B) which was declared in Northern Ireland effective from 21:00 hrs on 30 November 2021 is now revoked and replaced with an SZ as of 12:00 hrs on 3 December 2021.
For further details of the avian influenza situation across the UK and Ireland, see the Current AI Situation section.
Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ)
An AIPZ came into force in Northern Ireland on 17 November 2021. This was extended to include housing measures across the UK on 29 November 2021.
This means that, in addition to the mandatory enhanced biosecurity measures of the AIPZ, it is now a legal requirement for all bird keepers across the UK to keep their birds indoors or otherwise separate from wild birds in order to limit the spread of and eradicate the disease. This applies if you keep pet birds, commercial flocks or just a few birds in a backyard or hobby flock.
These mandatory biosecurity measures are to help prevent the spread of the disease from wild birds, or another source, to poultry, including:
- a ban on poultry gatherings;
- a requirement that poultry or other captive birds are provided with food and water to which wild birds have no access;
- avoiding transfer of contamination between premises by cleansing and disinfecting equipment, vehicles and footwear;
- separating domestic waterfowl (ducks and geese) from other domestic species; and,
- reducing the movement of people, vehicles or equipment to and from areas where poultry or captive birds are kept.
Under these requirements, all visits to poultry premises should be limited to those deemed essential.
For help complying with the requirements of the AIPZ, please see our biosecurity advice and if you keep poultry or captive birds, please follow our Biosecurity Guidance and use our Biosecurity Checklist.
For further details on the requirements within the AIPZ, see the Declaration here.
Full details of measures required within the AIPZ can be found in the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone Guidance and Q&A.
The introduction of mandatory housing as a further preventative measure within the AIPZ comes following the rise in wild bird and poultry cases across the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. It follows a risk assessment containing the latest scientific evidence and veterinary advice.
DAERA press releases can also be viewed here and here.
For further details, please see the links below:
- England - DEFRA website
- Scotland - Scottish Government website
- Wales - Welsh Government website
- Republic of Ireland - DAFM website.
Current AI Situation
Cases in Northern Ireland
The following cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 have been confirmed in Northern Ireland
- in Aughnacloy, County Tyrone
- in Broughshane, Country Antrim.
Two reported cases of notifiable avian influenza are currently being investigated.
Cases in the Republic of Ireland
The following cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 have been confirmed in the Republic of Ireland
- three in County Monaghan - in one of these cases, the SZ extends into Northern Ireland
- County Cavan - SZ extends into Northern Ireland
DAERA has worked closely with DAFM to establish corresponding zones.
For more details, visit the DAFM website.
Cases in England
Since the first case confirmed in this outbreak on the 26 October 2021, 39 cases of HPAI H5N1 have been confirmed in England.
For details of these cases in England and the measures that apply in the disease control zones, see the avian influenza: cases and disease control zones in England guidance.
Cases in Scotland
The following cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 have been confirmed in premises in Scotland:
- in the Angus constituency;
- near Gretna, Dumfriesshire, Dumfries and Galloway;
- near Annan, Dumfriesshire, Dumfries and Galloway; and,
- near Moffat, Dumfriesshire, Dumfries and Galloway.
See the Scottish Government website for further information.
Cases in Wales
The following cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 have been confirmed in premises in Wales:
- near Chirk, Wrexham;
- near Gaerwen, Isle of Anglesey; and,
- near Crickhowell, Powys.
See the Welsh Government website for further information.
The Department continues to work closely with colleagues in DEFRA and DAFM to monitor the situation across GB and the ROI.
Wild Birds – Surveillance
DAERA’s primary function is the control of AI in poultry or captive bird flocks and is it is not involved in control of the disease in wild species. We rely on reports from the public to help us identify dead wild birds for testing in new areas so testing does not always reflect the prevalence in the wild bird population.
We collect dead wild birds for Avian Influenza (AI) surveillance purposes to help understand if and when the virus is present in Northern Ireland and how it is distributed geographically. Once AI has been detected in a specific area, further testing is no longer required.
As a result of the wild bird HPAI H5N1 findings in Northern Ireland, it is clear that the native wild bird population has been affected by the strain being carried here by migratory birds. Evidence is strong that HPAI is now widespread in the environment. As a result, DAERA does not currently need to test wild birds for surveillance purposes and so collection of wild birds will cease with immediate effect.
Disposal of dead wild birds on public land
Where dead wild birds are not required for surveillance purposes, the routine collection of dead birds rests with the landowner. Where dead birds are on public land, it is the responsibility of the local authority to safely dispose of the carcases. DAERA officials have been working closely with local councils in relation to this matter and their responsibilities as landowners. Any decisions in that regard is for the council in conjunction with the Public Health Agency (PHA).
DAERA officials remain available to provide advice as and when required.
Dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese or ducks) or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey, should be reported to the DAERA helpline (Tel: 0300 200 7840).
Messaging on the DAERA helplines will be updated as soon as possible to reflect this new arrangement.
Disposal of dead wild birds at domestic premises
If you find any other single dead birds, including garden birds, you do not need to call the DAERA Helpline.
Current advice from the Public Health Agency is not to touch or pick up dead birds. However, if dead birds need to be disposed of:
- if possible, wear disposable protective gloves when picking up and handling dead wild birds (if disposable gloves are not available, a plastic bag can be used as a make-shift glove).
- place the dead wild bird in a suitable plastic bag, preferably leak proof. Care should be taken not to contaminate the outside of the bag
- tie the bag and place it in a second plastic bag
- remove gloves by turning them inside out and then place them in the second plastic bag. Tie the bag and dispose of it in the normal household refuse bin
Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after coming into contact with any animal and do not touch any sick or dead birds. You should wash hands, nails and forearms thoroughly with soap and water after handling the carcase.
Wild bird cases
Details of the latest avian influenza findings in wild birds in Europe can be found in the outbreak assessments available at:
Advice for the Public
The DAERA Helpline should be contacted at 0300 200 7840 if you find:
- one or more dead gulls, waterfowl, including waders/ducks/geese/swans, and birds of prey
- five or more birds of any other species
The Public Health Agency (PHA) has advised that human infections with AI are rare as it is primarily a disease of birds and the risk to the health of the general public is very low.
The current guidelines from the PHA are as follows:
- do not pick up or touch sick, dying or dead poultry or wild birds, and keep pets away from them;
- avoid contact with surfaces contaminated with bird faeces;
- avoid untreated bird feathers (such as those found in the environment) and other bird waste; and,
- maintain good personal hygiene with regular hand washing with soap and use of alcohol-based hand rubs.
For more information, please see the PHA website.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has also advised, in avian influenza incursions of this type, that there is a very low risk to public health from the consumption of properly cooked poultry meat or eggs provided appropriate hygiene measures are followed.
Avian influenza is unconnected with coronavirus (Covid-19).
Biosecurity Checklist
Excellent biosecurity remains the best defence for reducing the risk of transmission of avian influenza to poultry or other captive birds. A self-assessment tool to aid flock keepers in the review of their biosecurity arrangements and provide the necessary assurances is available, here. DAERA encourages anyone who keeps birds from one bird upwards to consider this checklist to protect your birds, the poultry industry and our economy over this higher risk period. The checklist can be completed online and saved to your device.
Risk Level
Following the increase in cases across these islands, the risk of a HPAI incursion to domestic poultry in Northern Ireland has been reviewed and is now assessed as moderate with biosecurity continuing to play a key role in the potential to reduce the risk posed to each individual flock.
The VRA highlighted that it was imperative the poultry industry should reinforce their biosecurity arrangements including the physical separation of wild birds, particularly water fowl and gulls, from poultry and captive birds.
The Chief Vets from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are urging bird keepers across the UK to maintain and strengthen their biosecurity measures in order to prevent further outbreaks of avian influenza in the UK.
If you keep poultry or captive birds, please follow our Biosecurity Guidance and use our Biosecurity Checklist
If you keep poultry (including game birds or as pets) please remain vigilant for any signs of disease in your flock and if you have any concerns about the health of your birds please report it to the DAERA Helpline on 0300 200 7840 or to your local DAERA Direct Regional Office.
Bird Gatherings
Bird gatherings of any type are not permitted within any Temporary Control Zone, Protection Zone or Surveillance Zone. Outside of these areas bird gatherings are only permitted if licenced. Poultry gatherings are not permitted in Northern Ireland as part of the measures of the AIPZ.
The bird gatherings General Licence in effect from midday on 20 May 2021, has now been revoked.
A new General Licence for bird gatherings that are permitted within the AIPZ is available here.
Bird gatherings must meet all the requirements of the licence and DAERA must be notified at least 3 days in advance.
The Department will continue to monitor the avian influenza situation.
Pigeons or birds of prey
If your birds are within a disease control zone, make sure you check the restrictions applicable to that Zone
An AIPZ including housing measures is in force. Pigeons and birds of prey must be housed or where not possible kept in a fully netted ideally covered areas which keeps kept birds separate from wild birds and minimises contact with wild bird faeces, feathers etc.
You can exercise and train pigeons or fly birds of prey, including for pest control, but they should avoid direct contact with wild birds.
Pigeon lofts should not be left open for the birds to come and go as they please.
Keep a close watch on the health of your birds.
Movement within Zones
All moves within restriction zones are required to be licenced.
Certain moves will be permitted under General Licence. General Licences which are currently available can be found here.
Certain moves will be permitted under a specific licence issued by the Department which must be applied for at least 48 hours in advance of any planned move.
Application forms can be found at Application for Specific Licence | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (daera-ni.gov.uk).
For general enquiries, the movement licencing centre can be contacted at the following email MLC@daera-ni.gov.uk
Movements from Great Britain to Northern Ireland
Since January 2021, movement of live poultry and products of animal origin to Northern Ireland from Great Britain has been subject to certification requirements.
The European Commission have scope to make an independent assessment of disease risk, and DAERA will update industry should conditions change.
Trade implications
Following the confirmation of HPAI H5N1 in poultry, the UK is no longer free from avian influenza under the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) rules. See the Defra website for more details.
There are considerable economic implications of epizootic disease outbreaks when they occur. The confirmation of HPAI has the potential to have a significant impact on our poultry industry and on international trade. The consequences for completion of export health certification can complicate and delay consignments for some time after the initial outbreak.
Agreed export health certificates between the Northern Ireland and importing countries are considered and issued on a case-by-case basis and can be certified by an Official Veterinarian only if the consignment meets the requirements set out in the export health certificates in full.
As a general rule, where certificates are available, they will be accessed on the DEFRA Form Finder website. In the event of specific queries, these can be requested on email request to DAERATradeExports@daera-ni.gov.uk.
Biosecurity guidance
The best defence – as with all exotic animal diseases – is a high level of awareness and good biosecurity. Poultry keepers and businesses in Northern Ireland are reminded of the importance of maintaining biosecurity in their flocks and being vigilant to any signs of disease in their birds.
We have published a biosecurity leaflet for all bird keepers and detailed guidance on biosecurity and preventing welfare impacts in poultry and captive birds.
We have also published a biosecurity leaflet providing additional guidance for bird keepers visiting public places such as parks and wild waterfowl sites in order to reduce the risk of spreading disease to their birds.
If you suspect any strain of avian flu you must tell your local Divisional Veterinary Office immediately. Failure to do so can be deemed an offence.
Further information on biosecurity and good practice is available via the links below:
- Biosecurity self-assessment tool Nov 2020
- Biosecurity and housing requirements for chicken and turkey keepers
- Biosecurity and housing requirements for ducks, geese and game birds
- Help prevent Avian Influenza - biosecurity information leaflet
- Biosecurity and preventing welfare impacts in poultry and captive birds
- Guidance on Avian Influenza for hunters
- Avian Influenza labelling guidance
- Poultry keepers must continue to follow the existing animal welfare rules
- Guidance for Farm Biosecurity and Vehicle Disinfection for deliveries
Backyard flocks
If you keep a small flock of poultry or ‘captive birds’, you have an important role in preventing further disease outbreaks. An outbreak of bird flu in a backyard flock could have the same impact on poultry keepers and trade in poultry as an outbreak on a commercial farm.
The above points are covered in our one page leaflet – print this and keep it handy, or put a copy on your noticeboard:
Do you keep chickens, ducks, geese… Help protect your birds from the risk of bird flu (August 2017)
A recording of the ‘Protect Your Flock’ webinar which was held on Wednesday 1 December in conjunction with CAFRE to heighten awareness of the importance of good biosecurity for the hobby flock sector is now available in the following video:
The vaccination of poultry and most captive birds against avian influenza is not currently permitted. Vaccination is not a routine control measure and is a practice restricted by legislation.
What signs should I look out for?
There are 2 types of avian influenza.
Highly Pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and Low Pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI).
Highly pathogenic avian influenza is the more serious type. The main clinical signs of HPAI in birds are:
- Swollen head
- Blue discoloration of neck and throat
- Loss of appetite
- Respiratory distress, such as gaping beak, coughing, sneezing, gurgling, rattling
- Diarrhoea
- Fewer eggs laid
- Increased mortality
- Nervous signs
- Dullness
Clinical signs can vary between species of bird and some species, for example, ducks and geese, may show minimal clinical signs. Birds may often die without any signs of disease being apparent. However, there can be considerable variation in the clinical signs and severity of the disease.
Avian Influenza is a notifiable disease. If you suspect that your birds have Avian Influenza, by law you must report it. You should contact your Private Veterinary Practitioner (PVP) or local DVO immediately so that it can be investigated.
See some photos of clinical signs of avian influenza on Flickr.
How avian influenza is spread
Avian influenza is not an airborne virus. It spreads from bird to bird by direct contact or through contaminated body fluids and faeces. It can also be spread by contaminated feed and water or by dirty vehicles, clothing and footwear.
There is no evidence that any recent strain of avian influenza has been able to spread directly between people.
It is very important to ensure that any outbreak of AI is controlled quickly and that workers and veterinarians in close contact with infected birds are well protected. The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has a contingency plan in place to ensure that this is so.
The Notifiable Epizootic Avian Disease Control Strategy describes how an outbreak of Avian Influenza or Newcastle Disease in Northern Ireland would be managed. Further information can be found at link below.
Domestic poultry
The European Commission requires all Member States of the European Union to undertake surveys each year for avian influenza in poultry. As a result of the Withdrawal Agreement and Northern Ireland Protocol, this is still a requirement for Northern Ireland.
The purpose of this survey is to detect avian influenza (AI) virus infections of subtypes H5 and H7 in different species of poultry and provides valuable information across the EU for an early warning system of H5 and H7 AI infections. Early detection is also essential for effective control.
The flocks that are chosen for sampling are drawn from poultry premises selected at random. The survey includes chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and feathered game classified as poultry. In Northern Ireland, premises are contacted in advance by DAERA staff to arrange a convenient time for sampling. Blood samples are taken from a number of birds on each premises. The samples are then screened for the presence of antibodies to avian influenza viruses of subtypes H5 and H7.
The Avian Influenza Stakeholder Group
The Stakeholder Group is attended by key stakeholders from across the poultry sector. Meetings take place on a regular basis.
DAERA and key stakeholders work closely together to ensure that the NI response to any disease circumstance is proportionate, appropriate and comprehensive. Key stakeholders agree that good vigilance and a high standard of biosecurity are required at the moment.
Wetlands bird survey
As part of their ongoing Wetlands bird survey over the winter months, Northern Ireland Environment Agency staff along with Non-government organisation partners monitors and report any unusual mortality of wild birds to DAERA.
Contact details
DAERA Helpline on 0300 200 7840
USPCA Helpline 028 3025 1000
Contact details for APHA
Email: customeradvice@apha.gsi.gov.uk
Tel: 03000 200 301
Email: apha.cymruwales@apha.gsi.gov.uk
Tel: 03003 038 268
Email: aphascotlandshows@apha.gsi.gov.uk
Tel: 01463 728 800