Live Animals Exports
You may apply to export live animals including horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, captive birds and hatching eggs following the instructions below.
Before you start
DAERA launched new XI format ID tags for cattle, sheep, and goats on 24th June 2024. More details on this launch can be found on the Introduction to Identification, Registration and Movement of Animals page.
Following the launch of XI tags the rules for exporting cattle, sheep and goats have changed.
Exporting cattle, sheep, or goats – what are the new requirements?
Exports to Continental Europe
All cattle, sheep, and goats for export to continental EU* must now be identified with official tags with the XI format.
Cattle previously identified with UK 9 tags being exported to continental EU* should be re-identified with XI tags under DAERA or OV/aPVP supervision and correlated on NIFAIS prior to export.
If cattle require re-identification you can access the required form VCXI Correlation Form for Animals Re-identified with XI tags
Sheep/goats previously identified with UK 17 tags can be re-identified by the keeper themselves with XI tags and correlated in the flock register.
Export Assembly Centre (EAC) operators should ensure that all livestock (cattle, sheep, or goats) presented for export to continental EU* are identified with a pair of official XI prefix tags. Vets certifying livestock from EACs should take note of this new requirement.
Livestock exported with old style UK prefix tags are at risk of rejection by the authorities at the place of destination.
If there is any reason you believe it is not possible to re-identify an animal, such as pedigree registration, you can contact for further advice.
*Continental Europe refers to any European Member State other than Ireland
Exports to Great Britain
These changes do not currently apply to cattle, sheep, or goats being moved to GB.
Both XI and UK tags are accepted for moves to GB.
Exports to Ireland
From 30th June 2025 all sheep and goats, regardless of age, exported to Ireland for any purpose must be tagged with XI tags.
All cattle born after 30th June 2025 and exported to Ireland for any purpose should be identified with XI tags.
There is no requirement to retag cattle born prior to 30th June 2025 which have official UK 9 tags.
GB Trade
If you are exporting cattle or sheep to Great Britain (GB) you should make your application to your Authorised Veterinary Practitioner (aPVP) and they will progress this export for you using the electronic systems, eAVI and eSAVI respectively for the certification process.
If you are exporting any other species, apply online via DECOL (DAERA Export Certification On-line) system, DAERA`s online application process via this link, Start your Export Health Certificate Application.
Applications should be made at least two working days in advance of the date of loading of your consignment from the dispatching establishment. You may submit final information that is not available at the time of application, but before export, via a link in DECOL. Note, however, that doing this may delay provision of your EHC.
Continue to the specific live animal pages below for more information.
Important information for those exporting live animals to Great Britain for slaughter
Anyone sending animals to slaughter in Great Britain (GB) must provide evidence to the abattoir that their herd/flock has received regular animal health visits from a vet.
Annual health visits are a requirement under EU legislation to permit the export of meat from Great Britain into an EU Member State.
We strongly advise anyone sending animals for slaughter at an abattoir in GB to check with the abattoir in advance regarding what evidence is required to demonstrate animal health visits. Failure to provide required evidence may result in the abattoir refusing to accept the animals.
EU Trade
Applications for certificates for EU Trade are made on TRACES NT (Trade Control and Expert System New Technology) This is a web-based service for the application for, and issuing of, export health certificates for intra-community (EU) trade in live animals, their products, germinal products and certain other commodities. Exporters have the option of creating their own account on TRACES NT (TNT) before proceeding to apply for an EU INTRA-trade certificate.
Guidance on using TRACES NT may be found at:
Please see attached link for guidance A step by step guide to getting started on TRACES NT
You can also register your herd/flock on the TRACESNT system using guidance which can be found at TRACES NT – User Guides.
Otherwise, they may complete the TRACES application form TRACES application form and forward it to an authorised private veterinary practitioner (aPVP) who can then provide your health certificate if your export meets its requirements.
Notes for Guidance
Guidance notes are available for commonly used EU certificates. These guidance notes are in the form of template certificates are only available to Certifying Veterinary Officers therefore they are password protected. If you require the password, please contact and include your RCVS membership number for verification purposes.
Important Caveat
EU certificates are generated by Traces and sometimes change with little notice. This means at times the DAERA published guidance may not reflect the current certificate format. Always read the certificate carefully ensuring you make all required insertions and deletions. If you are unsure of any section, contact for advice.
A list of EU Member States is available Countries in the EU and EEA | GOV.UK (
Journey Logs
A Journey Log is required for long journeys over 8 hours between Member States and for third countries for cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, and unregistered horses. It is not required for journeys within the UK e.g., NI to GB. The INTRA certificate on TRACES NT for EU trade triggers creation of an electronic journey log, where required. There is further information on Journey Logs below:
Animal Specific Links & Guidance
Animal-specific export guidance for EU and GB trade is available from:
If you are unable to find relevant supporting documents or guidance, please contact
Third Country Trade
If a third country (i.e., not an EU Member State) has agreed to accept animals from the UK, an Export Health Certificate and its associated Guidance will be available in Form Finder within DAERA Export Certification On-Line (DECOL), DAERA`s online application system
To proceed click Start your Export Health Certificate Application
Applications should be made at least two working days in advance of the date of loading of your consignment from the dispatching establishment. You may submit information not available at the time of application but prior to export, via a link in DECOL. Note however that doing this may delay provision of your EHC.
See updates for third country exports at Northern Ireland to Third Country Exports Information.
DECOL guidance
If you need digital help to complete an application for an Export Health Certificate (EHC) please contact your regional DAERA Direct Office for assistance.
Use of Schedules
If there is insufficient space on the EHC application to record all the required details, complete a schedule and submit this with your application. Follow the link below and select “Supplementary Schedule – Generic”.
Schedule for additional product information
Finding an aPVP
An aPVP is a Private Veterinary Practitioner authorised to carry out certification for certain animals or commodities. Your aPVP must be authorised for the category of animal you intend to export.
If you require the services of an aPVP for export certification purposes please use the link, Northern Ireland Veterinary Practices listed for aPVP's, which has aPVPs associated with their practices. You should contact your preferred practice(s) and discuss with them directly your certification requirements.
Nomination of Authorised Veterinary Practice (AVP)
Exporters should complete a nominate Authorised Veterinary Practice (AVP) template and submit this with their application. All export documentation will be issued directly to the nominated aPVP in that practice once DAERA has processed the application.