The discharge of sanitary waste from a passenger train - paragraph 31 exemption
A paragraph 31 exemption allows the discharge of waste onto the track from a sanitary convenience or sink forming part of a vehicle used for the carriage of passengers on the railway.
Waste stream(s) permitted
Waste from a sanitary convenience or sink.
No more than 25 litres can be discharged.
What the legislation says
The full wording of the paragraph 31 exemption can be found in Schedule 2 of the Waste Management Licensing Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003.
Relevant Objectives in relation to the disposal or recovery of waste are given in paragraph 4 of Schedule 3 to the Regulations.
Should you have any queries in relation to your application please contact:-
Forms and guidance
- Paragraph 31 guidance
- General guidance
- you can also use the apply online facility