Meat and meat product exports
You can apply to export meat and meat products following the link below. Here you will find guidance and templates to help you make your application. Please note, where required, exporters should continue to submit their preloading notification/details of planned exports for the coming week via the usual email contact details for example to the Meat Inspection Team at the dispatch premises.
Before you start
In order to begin your application on the DAERA Export Certification Online system (DECOL) you will need to have completed the export health certificate (EHC) application and have any supporting documents ready for upload.
You can obtain the EHC application via the Defra form finder. Please note you will find the Background Certificate 8796 to support the export of meat/meat products to the ROI on the DAERA website at the following page:
Guidance on using the tool is available in the DECOL exporter’s instructions at the link below:
If you need digital help to complete an application for an Export Health Certificate (EHC) please contact your regional DAERA Direct Office for assistance.
If there is insufficient space on the EHC application to record full product details you need to complete a schedule and submit this with your application. The schedule and instructions for completion are available using the link below:
Exporters should review the Notes for Guidance for each certificate (available via the Defra form finder) to ascertain if import permits or importing authority approvals are also required. Where they are these should be obtained from the importing authorities prior to applying for an EHC and uploaded along with all other application documents via DECOL.
Frequent exporters may find it useful to review the supporting documentation they usually submit with a particular export and upload similar consignment specific information to DECOL at the time of application.
Exporters are advised to check Form Finder for the availability of the EHCs for their commodities. In the event that an EHC is not currently available please contact