Germinal Products
The requirements for exporting Germinal Products (GP) vary depending on the category/type of product and its destination country.
Before you start
Guidance for Exporters - Preparing for Trade in Germinal Products
If a germinal product is due to be exported, it must maintain its status and move on an intra-community certificate between approved establishments, even if moving within NI.
You will find advice on how to apply for an export health certificate for each destination below.
For applications through DECOL, please always read the Message Board in case of recent changes to requirements by the importing that may not be reflected in Guidance for the export health certificate.
NI Internal Movements of Germinal Product Between Approved Establishments
Germinal product intended for export from NI must originate from an EU approved establishment. This requires that it is collected in accordance with Reg (EU) 2020/686. If it is moved to another approved establishment in NI, it should be accompanied with evidence of its status so it may be certified from there to its next destination. To provide this evidence, the NI dispatching approved establishment should provide a background veterinary certificate to the receiving approved establishment in NI. You may find the background certificate, BC NI 8797 on:
Background Certificates and Guidance to support onward trade via GB / EU to Third Countries
This should also be used if imported germinal product is being despatched from one NI approved germinal product establishment to another in NI. Whether from an EU Member State (on INTRA certificate) or from a third country (on an ENTRY certificate), a copy of the certificate that accompanied the imported product should be attached with the Background certificate, when the imported germinal product is moving to another NI approved establishment.
Germinal product may be exported to GB when an Import Licence for the particular commodity is available. To find out more General licences and authorisations to import live animals or animal products - GOV.UK (
If you can meet the conditions of the licence, you may apply for the Export Health Certificate (EHC) through DAERA Export Certification On-line (DECOL), DAERA`s online application process via the green button “Start your Export Health Application” below.
Applications should be made at least 2 working days in advance of the date of loading of your consignment from the dispatching establishment. Information not available at the time of application may be submitted via a link prior to export. Note this may delay provision of your EHC.
The certificates that are available for export of germinal product to GB are either on Form Finder in Gov.UK Find an export health certificate | GOV.UK ( or are DAERA certificates that are available here:
Export Health Certificates (EHCs) not available on Form Finder
For further information see;
- Bovine Oocytes/Embryos to GB (and onwards exports to EU/NI)
- Movement of Bovine Semen to GB (and onwards export to EU/NI)
TRACES NT (Trade Control and Expert System New Technology) is a web-based service for the application for, and issuing of, export health certificates for intra-community (EU) trade in live animals, their products and germinal products and certain other commodities. Exporters have the option of creating their own account on TRACES NT (TNT) before proceeding to apply for an EU INTRA-trade certificate.
Otherwise, they may complete the TRACES application form TRACES application form and forward it to an authorised private veterinary practitioner (aPVP).
To create a TRACES NT account, contact your local DAERA office:
DAERA Divisional Veterinary Offices
Guidance on using TRACES NT may be found here:
To obtain an intra-EU/NI certificate to export germinal product to an EU Member State, select the appropriate link below:
- Bovine: Export Certification for Bovine Germplasm, including Semen, Oocytes and Embryos, to EU Member States
- Pigs: Export of porcine semen to EU
- Equines: Export certification for equine semen collected after 30 September 2014 and before 21 April 2021
Disease Checks
EHCs often require the certifying officer to confirm the absence of certain diseases.
Some of these statements for disease freedom require the CO to obtain a declaration of notifiable disease freedom, in which case the aPVP requests a Veterinary Service Support Certificate from DAERA.
Others refer to legislation that asks for freedom from certain categories of diseases, some of these require the aPVP to have knowledge of the disease status of an animal or herd or establishment. The categories of diseases are outlined in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1882 . The regulation relates to rules to prevent certain diseases and rules to control categories of listed diseases. There is a list of species and groups of species that pose a considerable risk for the spread of those listed diseases in its Annex.
For reference, please find the link to Reg (EU) 2018/1882, the categories and diseases are in its Annex:
EUR-Lex - 32018R1882 - EN - EUR-Lex (
A list of EU Member States is here:
European Union (EU) Member States
Third Country
For veterinary certification, Third Country trade describes trade outside the shared Sanitary and Phytosanitary areas of EU and NI.
If a third country has agreed to accept Germinal Product, an Export Health Certificate and its associated Guidance is available in Form Finder within DAERA Export Certification On-Line (DECOL), DAERA`s online application process.
To proceed, select “Start your Export Health Application” below. Applications should be made at least 2 working days in advance of the date of loading of your consignment from the dispatching establishment.
If you do have the final details for the consignment when you first apply, those details must be submitted prior to export via a link in DECOL. Note that this may delay provision of your EHC.
Schedule for Additional Product Information
If there is insufficient space on the EHC application to record full product details you need to complete a schedule and submit this with your application. Do not use if not essential. The schedule and instructions for completion are available using the link below:
More Information
- Northern Ireland to Third Country Exports Information - Updates for all commodities
- Artificial insemination (AI)