Zoo, exotic and other animals exports
The following rules apply to the export of zoo animals. They also apply to the export of certain animal species considered to be exotic, for example llamas, alpacas and certain captive birds. The requirements for export will vary depending on the destination.
Before you start
Exports to European Union (EU) Member States
To obtain an Intra Trade Animal Health Certificate (ITAHC) to export other animals, as detailed below, to an EU Member State, please complete the application form within the following links and submit it to your local aPVP. The following links provide useful information on the export of specific other animal groups to EU Member States and have been completed to take account of the Animal Health Law Regulations for EU Trade.
Guidance notes are available for commonly used EU certificates. These guidance notes are in the form of template certificates are only available to Certifying Veterinary Officers therefore they are password protected. If you require the password, please contact daeratradeexports@daera-ni.gov.uk and include your RCVS membership number for verification purposes.
Important Caveat –EU certificates are generated by Traces and sometimes change with little notice. This means at times the DAERA published guidance may not reflect the current certificate format. Always read the certificate carefully ensuring you make all required insertions and deletions. If you are unsure of any section, contact daeratradeexports@daera-ni.gov.uk for advice.
Exporting to GB and countries outside the EU
You can obtain the EHC application via the Defra form finder. Guidance on using the tool is available in the DECOL exporter’s instructions at the link below:
If you need digital help to complete an application for an Export Health Certificate (EHC) please contact your regional DAERA Direct Office for assistance.
If there is insufficient space on the EHC application to record full product details you need to complete a schedule and submit this with your application. The schedule and instructions for completion are available using the link below:
You should review the Notes for Guidance (NFG) for each certificate (available via the Defra Form Finder) to ascertain if import permits or importing authority approvals are also required. Where they are these should be obtained from the importing authorities prior to applying for an EHC and uploaded along with all other application documents via DECOL.
The NFG may also advise you need to complete an Owner/exporter declaration. Where one is needed template declaration is available at the link below:
If you need further assistance completing your declaration please contact your DAERA Regional office for assistance.