Sustainable Agriculture Programme: Impact Assessments
Impact Assessments
Environmental Assessments
In line with good practice, DAERA engaged a skilled external contractor to complete the environmental assessments. A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a process that ensures that significant environmental effects arising from policies, plans and programmes are identified, assessed, mitigated, communicated to decision-makers, and monitored and that opportunities for public involvement are provided. SEA Screening and SEA Scoping documents were completed in autumn 2021 and the SEA Environmental Report was published in early January 2022 forming part of the Future Agricultural Policy Proposals consultation process. Feedback from statutory authorities and the public consultation exercise informed the Final SEA Statement was published in summer 2022.
A Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is a formalised process of identifying, and evaluating impacts of proposed works upon designated sites under the Habitats Directive and as set out in Regulation 43 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (as amended). Any proposed plan or project that has potential to result in a significant effect on these sites will require an Appropriate Assessment (AA). DAERA has undertaken a Habitats Regulations Assessment on the Programme which was incorporated into the SEA Environmental Report.
See links below for further information on the Environmental Assessments completed to date:
- Future Agricultural Policy Environmental Assessment Paper
- Future Agricultural Policy Proposals SEA Environmental Report August 2022
- Future Agricultural Policy Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement
- Future Agricultural Policy Habitats Regulation Assessment August 2022
Rural Needs Assessment
A Rural Needs Impact Assessment has been completed for the Future Agricultural Policy Decisions and can be viewed at:
Rural Needs Impact Assessment - Future Agricultural Policy Decisions for Northern Ireland
A Rural Needs Impact Assessment has been completed for the Sustainable Agriculture Programme Communications Strategy and can be viewed at:
Rural Needs Impact Assessment Template - July 2024
Equality Considerations
The Equality and Disability Duties Screening Template completed for the Future Agricultural Policy decisions and can be viewed at:
Equality and Disability Duties Screening - Future Agricultural Policy Decisions for Northern Ireland
The Equality and Disability Duties Screening Template has been completed for the Sustainable Agriculture Programme Communications Strategy and can be viewed at:
Accessibility Compliant S75 Screening Template - July 2024
Regulatory Impact Assessment
A Regulatory Impact Screening of the Future Agricultural Policy Decisions can be viewed at:
Regulatory Impact Screening- Future Agricultural Policy Decisions for Northern Ireland
As the schemes that will deliver Sustainable Agriculture Programme are developed these will be subject to further impact assessment. Please check back for further updates.