To be eligible for BCR payments you must satisfy the eligibility requirements.

To be eligible for a BCR payment an animal must have been kept within a herd associated to that farm business (on NIFAIS) for at least 60 days (continuously) within the last 100 days before the slaughter date.

When calculating the 100 days and 60 days, we will count the ‘day of transfer in’ i.e. the day the animal is first registered in your herd on NIFAIS. We will not count the ‘day of transfer out’ i.e. the last day the animal is registered in your herd. Also, we will not count the day the animal is slaughtered.

The following examples show how this works in practice.

Remember, we will use the information that is recorded on NIFAIS to decide if an animal meets these dates. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information recorded on NIFAIS for your animals is correct.




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The animal was slaughtered on 1 March 2024. 100 days preceding this date was 22 November 2023, as we do not count the date of slaughter.

The animal joined your herd on 1 November 2023 and left your herd on 1 February 2024. The animal was in your herd for 92 days, as we do not count the date the animal left. 71 of these days were within the 100 days preceding the date of slaughter.

You will therefore receive a BCR payment for the animal because you kept it throughout a period of 60 days during the 100 days immediately preceding the date of slaughter.



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The animal was slaughtered on 1 March 2024. 100 days preceding this date was 22 November 2023, as we do not count the date of slaughter.

The animal joined your herd on 1 November and left your herd 1 January 2024. You kept the animal for 61 days but only 40 of these days fall within the 100 days preceding slaughter.

You will not receive a BCR payment for the animal because you did not keep it for 60 days during the 100 days immediately preceding the date of slaughter.



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The animal was slaughtered on 1 March 2024. 100 days preceding this date was 22 November 2023, as we do not count the date of slaughter.

The animal was in your herd from 1 November 2023 until 1 January 2024. It was in your herd again from 5 January 2024 to 28 February 2024. Although you kept the animal for at least 60 days in the last 100 days immediately preceding slaughter, this was not continuous.

You will not receive a BCR payment for the animal because you did not keep it for 60 days continuously during the 100 days immediately preceding the date of slaughter.

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