If your query is specifically about the information held on NIFAIS on animals kept by your farm business you should contact your local DAERA Direct office on 0300 200 7850. A list of DAERA Direct offices can be found at the link below:
Reviews of Decisions
If, after discussing your query with us, you still feel that we did not reach the correct decision you have access to DAERA’s Review of Decisions Procedure. This provides applicants with a fair, impartial and transparent assessment of a disputed decision in an efficient manner and ensures that the final decision is made within the law and in line with the regulations and scheme rules.
Information on our Review of Decisions Procedure can be found at the link below:
Force majeure or exceptional circumstances
FM/EC is defined as ‘unusual circumstances, outside the control of the trader, the consequences of which, in spite of the exercise of all due care, could not have been avoided except at the cost of excessive sacrifice’.
Your farm business may experience a FM/EC incident that impacts on your ability to meet the requirements for BCR listed above. Cases of FM/EC are determined against their particular circumstances and on an individual basis.
Should you consider FM/EC applies to your business because of any unforeseen event, you are advised to contact us immediately for advice on 0300 200 7848. You should be aware that for us to consider a case of FM/EC we need to be told in writing within 15 working days of the date that you are in a position to do so.
When you tell us of a FM/EC event you will be asked to complete and return a paper form (FML1) available on our website. You will have to prove that, despite taking all reasonable measures to counteract their effects, the FM/EC event prevented you from meeting the requirements of the BCR scheme. You must be able to provide information, supported by documentary evidence, of the steps you have taken to prevent or lessen the effect of these circumstances.
It is important that you do not wait until the Review of Decisions stage to notify us of FM/EC, as this will normally be considered to be outside the 15 working day notification period.