The Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme - Simplified User Pathway and Quick Step Guide
NIRMS Simplified User Pathway
This page has been published to provide information on the new Northern Ireland Retail Movement Scheme and the NI Plant Health Label Scheme. Please note that information not related to NIRMS or NIPHL on this page is currently under review.

Quick step guide for traders
To avail of the NIRMS, eligible businesses must ensure they:
1. Register for NIRMS
2. Sign up to CHOP
3. Register on TRACES NT (see guidance)
Read more information about registration and getting started.
Prior to moving goods to NI under the NIRMS:
4. GB trader seals consignment (NIRMS how to register and seal consignments)
5. GB trader creates General Certificate and Packing List and forwards to NI trader
6. NI trader creates CHED-P prenotification on TRACES NT, uploading General Certificate and Packing List
Read more about what you should do prior to moving goods to Northern Ireland.
Prior to arrival in Northern Ireland:
7. DAERA will conduct 100% documentary checks remotely on CHED-Ps, General Certificate and Packing List
8. NI Trader checks Goods Movement Reference (GMR) status through the Goods Vehicle Movement System (GVMS) prior to disembarkation
Read more about what happens prior to arrival in Northern Ireland.
Upon arrival in Northern Ireland:
9. Report to SPS Inspection Facility if notified of requirement for inspection (If GVMS does not flag the requirement for DAERA inspection, please proceed with your onward journey upon disembarkation)
Read more about arrival in Northern Ireland.
Upon arrival at final destination in Northern Ireland:
10. Completion of channeling return must be completed via CHOP within 48 hours of arrival at NI destination.
11. Establishment checks will focus on labelling at individual, package, box, shelf and store level for NIRMS goods. A review of the entry documentation accompanying those consignments will also be included.
Read more about arrival at final destination in Northern Ireland.
Specific queries should be forwarded to: